Center for Teaching and Learning

The Finch Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL)

The Finch Center for
Teaching and Learning (CTL)

The Finch Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL)

professors during development session
  • Creating and implementing faculty learning opportunities
  • Supporting faculty inquiry and risk-taking
  • Providing frameworks for faculty achievement
  • Promoting teamwork and community support among faculty
  • Contributing to Maryville active learning ecosystem



About the CTL

The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) began in the Spring of 2004 as a collaboration between Mary Ellen Finch, Vice President of Academic Affairs and Director Marilyn Cohn, who designed a single year seminar for full time faculty to inquire about their own teaching more deeply. The one-year seminar developed into a meaningful practice for many faculty members under Marilyn’s direction, and is still a seminar available to all faculty today.

The CTL continued to evolve to include book clubs, brown bag lunches, a Scholarship for Teaching and Learning Seminar (SOTL) for the purpose of studying their own teaching.


Meet the Team

Jesse Kavadlo

picture of Jesse Kavadlo
Director of the Finch Center for Teaching and Learning

Ashlyn Cunningham

picture of Ashlyn Cunningham

Co-Director Teaching Learning Program/Associate Professor of Occupational Therapy
Walker College of Health Professions

Chammie Austin

picture of Chammie Austin

Professor of Psychology College of Arts and Sciences

Melissa Childers

picture of Melissa Chiders

Assistant Director – Learning Design and Faculty Engagement
School of Adult and Online Education

Gifty Blankson Codjoe

picture of Gifty Blankson

Faculty Assistant


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